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From Empoverment to Action!

Expo Osaka 2025: Finalist Proposal for Portuguese Pavilion

Unloop - Portugal - 2023
Empowering Collective Action towards a Sustainable Society within interactive and immersive experiences.

Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai

Expo 2025 will take place in Osaka Kansai, Japan, from April 13 to October 13. The event will go under the theme "Designing Future Society for Our Lives", with the subsequent subthemes of "Saving Lives", "Empowering Lives", and "Connecting Lives".
Expo 2025 is a national project for the international community aimed at calling attention to modern societal issues, such as environmental changes.
The pavilion of Portugal will be located in one of the main areas of the fair, close to the Japanese pavilion, and integrated into the sub-theme "Empowering Lives". This approach aims to highlight the importance of Portugal in the world's history, as well as reflect on the preservation of the ocean and the sustainable development of marine resources not only within the context of the country but from a global perspective as well.
In this regard, Unloop has developed a proposal for the Pavilion of Portugal for Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai under the motto "From empowerment to action", which includes the planning from the design of the space and solutions to the construction, maintenance, dismantling, and demolition of the pavilion in the future.

Portugal Pavilion

It is impossible to talk about Portugal without mentioning its golden era of great nautical discoveries, or without mentioning its famous tourist destination - the Algarve coast with its majestic cliffs and caves, from which many caravels set sail, some heading into the unknown destination.

Among these caves, one stands out: the Benagil Cave, situated near the town of Benagil in the municipality of Lagoa. This stunning cave exerts an undeniable magnetism, attracting travelers from all corners of the globe.

Likewise, the Benagil Cave was chosen as the main source of inspiration in the process of defining the concept of the Portugal Pavilion. Its imposing rock formations and the ceiling's apertures allow sunlight to create natural light focus inside the cave, creating a magical ambiance, and enveloping visitors in its fascination and surprises.


The concept of the Portugal pavilion for Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai was crafted with attention to detail, englobing everything from narrative to form, and materials, all carefully selected to represent the mythical cave of Benagil. The relief and colors of the facade were inspired by the layers and rock formations of the cave, creating a limestone effect that captures its uniqueness.

The walls are covered with hand-painted Portuguese tiles, while the atrium features white perforated aluminium panels whose organic shapes represent the sea fog. The roof section, made from recycled plastics retrieved from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, allows natural light to filter in, recreating the scenic beauty of Benagil and the "eye" that illuminates the golden sands and the azure sea. Even the flooring is designed to replicate the sands of the Portuguese coast, specifically those of the Algar de Benagil.

The architecture and visitor experience are seamlessly integrated, each completing another through a holistic approach. It is an inside-out and top-down structure, that is reflected in the connection between different pillars: architecture, narrative, brand, and communication.




Augmented Reality Application

⁤This AR application is designed to provide information about the Portugal Pavilion, aiming to promote and publicize the project. ⁤⁤Augmented reality allows users to preview the proposed concept, offering an opportunity for early visualization of the final look of the project in 360º before construction begins. ⁤⁤
Likewise, this mobile application offers an interactive experience accessible from anywhere and anybody from any corner of the world. Sneak peek at Portugal Pavilion proposed by Unloop for Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai!

PORTUGAL - OSAKA 2025 App is available for both Android and iOS



Visitor Experience

The synchronized movement of schools of sardines, driven by electrical reactions in their skin, symbolizes a dance of unity and common direction, serving as a metaphor for collaboration and teamwork.
This natural phenomenon mirrors the deep relationship between Portugal and Japan, exemplifying how cooperation can leave a positive legacy for future generations and inspire global change.
Such collaboration is crucial in several areas, from combating climate change to sharing culture and knowledge, enhancing the ability to influence the course of events and shape the future.

The shoals' navigation strategy, facing dangers similar to those of the first Portuguese explorers, reinforces the importance of unity in the face of challenges.
The sinuous design of the Portugal pavilion's exhibition path, inspired by the movements of shoals, celebrates the Portuguese-Japanese connection and the values of collaboration, recalling the powerful transformative impact of union and mutual understanding.


Lumina is an adventurous sardine who inhabits a universe where fantasy and reality intertwine. Convinced that she can transform into any being, she faces ridicule from the other sardines due to the hilarious expressions she makes during this process.
Her imagination, although it exposes her to risks, fills her days with joy. But Lumina's life will change radically when Marlin, a vegetarian whale and friend of hers, returns from Japan talking about a mystical object capable of capturing images eternally.
Determined to prove her ability to metamorphose to everyone, Lumina embarks on a daring journey from Portugal to Osaka.

Learn to orient yourself by the stars, read old maps and use nautical instruments handed down by Portuguese explorers, coming across extraordinary creatures and human beings who reveal the importance of the oceans.
During the expedition, other sardines, also curious, joined Lumina to form a huge school. Upon discovering the shoal's ability to imitate forms of marine life, Lumina realizes that her true super power lies in unity, thus fulfilling her purpose on earth. Well, actually, your purpose in the ocean!


After the concept art, the mascot for our pavilion was chosen and our Lumina gained life and color!

Exhibition experience

Discover the magnificent history that connects Portugal and Japan, alongside Portugal's efforts in ocean and species preservation through an exhibition route designed to immerse visitors in the experience.

Upon entering the hall, visitors are warmly greeted with a "Welcome to the world of Lumina!" and introduced to the concept and functionality of the "drop".
The "drop" is a small glass container with an interactive material inside reactive to different activations along the visit to the exposition in the Portugal Pavilion.

Distributed at the exhibition entrance, it symbolizes a sardine shoal and plays a crucial role in activating content along the exhibition route.
Throughout the visit, visitors are required to place the "drop" in designated areas to activate content for viewing. These areas are properly illuminated, ensuring optimal perception of the Modus Operandi of the "drop".

Room of the Past

In the first room, where bright stars adorn the ceiling and a vast ocean stretches in front of you, where the floor is covered in dense fog, we take visitors on an unforgettable journey, transporting them through time with informative content, exploring a wide range of themes highlighting the relationship between Portugal and Japan from the 16th century until nowadays.

Testimony room

In this room, visitors are invited to meet 15 personalities who will share testimonies about their activities in Portugal and around the world.
Each represents a different profession. Each person appears on a screen with a physical hand in front of them, where visitors must place the “drop” to activate the content. The video, accompanied by ambient audio, highlights the positive impact of each profession on the planet and modern society.

Room of the Present

After crossing a curtain of algae, visitors are immersed in the ambiance created with a 360º projection that will take them on a journey through the wonders of Portugal from the interior of the country to the immensity of the continental shelf. Illuminated jellyfish hovering under the ceiling, give the feeling of the mix between digital and physical. The story intertwines different narratives, highlighting traditions, gastronomy, landscapes, technology, history, and cultural heritage, revealing the wealth of Portugal in the present.

Statistics corridor

Using artistic techniques such as origami, kirigami, and cut paper, stunning landscapes of Portugal are recreated in this space, representing the wealth of Portuguese fauna and flora.
On another side, the video wall showcases an offshore wind farm, through which visitors can get real-time access to the data on renewable energy, biodiesel, and green hydrogen produced in Portugal.
The fans in the room, the sounds of the sea, and the scent of salt in the air will transport visitors to the coast of Portugal. Extraordinary sensorial experience!

Room of the Future

In the last room, we transport visitors to a realm beyond physical space. "Deep Sea" is an inspiring film aimed at raising awareness about the importance of sustainable future and likewise ocean preservation. A colossal sail accompanies the narrative as it swings gracefully in the middle of the room, symbolizing the spirit of adventure and discovery that drove Portuguese sailors throughout all the time.

Augmented Reality Roof Experience

The privileged location of the Portugal pavilion almost naturally invites us to work on the roof as another facade of the building, but due to the often-adverse weather conditions, we chose to combine the best of both worlds, a magnificent view of the pavilion from the ring and augmented reality a huge QRCode strategically positioned on the roof of the pavilion invites passers-by to the ring to embark on a unique journey in augmented reality.

From the simple gesture of scanning the QR code with their cell phone, visitors will be immersed in a truly fascinating experience, where the line between reality and fantasy dissolves and participants are transported to an imaginary world with several enchanting scenarios at their disposal, from an underwater world, with schools of dancing sardines, majestic whales coming from the depths and even the transformation of a simple roof into a vibrant Portuguese sidewalk and tiles whose patterns come to life through mesmerizing and memorable animations.
Furthermore, participants also have the possibility to choose and distribute various objects and animals across a large gallery, allowing them to create their beautiful masterpiece together! This collaborative experience restarts every day, keeping the rest accessible for future reference!

Waiting line experience

It is important that visitors waiting in line to visit the Portuguese Pavilion, during the waiting and admission process, have prior contact with what they will find inside. Or even simpler, a way to entertain the most impatient children.

The following solutions will be strategically distributed along the waiting route:
1. Several transparent glass walls with shells printed in 3D with recycled material, which allow visitors to hear different sounds: seabed, waves, wind turbines, animals, robots, fado, etc.

2. A mechanism where children and adults can turn a crank and release hundreds of soap bubbles, an allusion to the foam of the waves on the Portuguese coast.

3. We will produce a 3D film of around 2 minutes based on Lumina's story, using the latest animation techniques. Along the way, several QRCodes unlock small episodes from this film.

Visual Identity

The logo of the Portugal Pavilion complements the narrative of the exposition.
The "drop" as a protagonist of this narrative is also the main element of the logo, symbolizing the Ocean, the Shoal, and the Lumina itself.
The "drop" is not only the principal element of the logo but also permeates the entire experience within the pavilion space, conveying a powerful message of collective empowerment and inclusivity.
"Drops" united in the logo appeal and emphasize community empowerment as each individual comes together around a common good for a positive impact and building a better future.

Likewise, the motto "From Empowerment to Action" is aimed to complement the logo and reinforce the message.
The pattern created with the "drop" logo is a reference to Portuguese tiles, evoking a sense of tradition and cultural identity.

The logo design is characterized by simplicity and minimalism, conveying a sense of calculated restraint. This aesthetic approach seeks to convey the grandeur of the Ocean in an elegant and impactful way that resonates with the public, encouraging participation.

Likewise, the colors chosen for the visual identity are aimed to complement and connect different elements of the proposal to be more coherent and emphasize the connection with the natural and cultural wealth of Portugal.
The blues convey a feeling of calm, serenity, and growth, emphasizing Portugal's close relationship with the Ocean over the centuries.
Golden colors refer to sea caves and their rock formations, as well as the picturesque sand beaches of Portugal.


Developed by

ARCHITECTURE – Albert Abut Architecture, Smarq
CONCEPT & DIRECTION – Helder da Rocha Pereira
3D DIRECTION – Nazariy Voloshchuk
3D PRODUCTION – Nazariy Voloshchuk, Aleksei Kurilov, Joana Vieira, Beatriz Sales, Duarte Carvalho
DESIGN – Arina Zhumasheva, Adrian Soto, Telma Santana, Rita Miranda
DEVELOPMENT – Maurício Ferreira, Juliana Quintas